September 16, 2024

Changes in Executive Leadership to Serve You Better

A note from Clever Devices CEO Frank Ingrassia:

I want to personally share some important updates about the future direction of our company. While we continue to grow, our top priority remains delivering an excellent customer experience and addressing all the needs of our valued customers. To achieve this, we are making strategic changes within our Leadership organization to streamline our operations, enhance our customer service and support, and ensure we consistently deliver the high-quality solutions you rely on. 

These changes are designed to improve how we understand and respond to your needs, ensuring every interaction is meaningful and satisfactory. Our goal is to build stronger relationships with our customers by focusing on what matters most—your satisfaction and success.  

One of the most critical areas for our continued growth and success is improving your customer experience. To underscore our commitment to this vital aspect of our business, I have asked Dean Roussinos to lead our Customer Experience teams, which include our Technical Support, Field Service, and Professional Services organizations. Our goal is to make every interaction you have with us smoother and more efficient, ensuring an exceptional service experience every step of the way.

Kirk Shore

To ensure a more seamless and efficient experience for you, we’ve brought all departments involved in delivering our projects together under the leadership of Kirk Shore. This new structure is designed to enhance our coordination and streamline our processes, ultimately leading to faster project delivery and a higher level of customer satisfaction.

In addition to his current responsibilities leading Marketing, Pricing and Proposals, I have asked Joe Saporita to also lead Product Management, a role he previously held during his career at Clever. This integration will enhance collaboration, ensure consistent messaging, enable quicker response times, and ultimately enable us to address your needs more effectively.

Monica Malhotra has taken on full responsibility for delivering on all international business. She will continue her role overseeing our OEM relationships and will provide oversight to the MAIOR team in ItalyHer extensive experience and proven leadership will be invaluable as we continue to expand our global reach.


Thank you for your continued trust in us. I am confident that these organizational changes will help us serve you better and strengthen our ability to meet your needs now and in the future.

Frank Ingrassia  
Chief Executive Officer  

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